PARADISE COSTS-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse©

PARADISE COSTS-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder AbuseĀ©
Author: Irene A. Masiello, afterword by Bennett Blum, MD, internationally known forensic & geriatric psychiatrist & co- author of "suicide-by-cop" (Please: click photo of the book above & you will be taken directly to the book's website.) This blog will be making public how corporate greed impacts the lives of 78 million baby boomers many of whom live on fixed incomes. Elder abuse, neglect and exploitation exists in every day exchanges involving utility companies, medical insurers, in big pharma, etc. as corporate greed runs amok. At this blog, baby-boomers will share how corporate greed & unequal protection under the law impacts our lives, health and ability to live out our life expectancy. Its not going to be pretty but its REAL...all too real and, make no mistake about it, it kills. Paradise Costs chronicals the death of Irene's father in a blatant way. Some elder exploitation and abuse is more subtle & we will be exploring the ways that happens from companies who lie, give boomers the run around, confuse them, scam them while hoping seniors will not be able to comprehend what's going on. What's going on? ELDER ABUSE, ELDER EXPLOITATION and scamming all of us out of billions.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Get involved and get your meds at a fair price through RX RIGHTS'efforts

Our Mission Statement

RxRights is a coalition concerned about the high cost of U.S. pharmaceuticals. We are dedicated to promoting and protecting American consumer access to sources of safe, affordable prescription drugs.

 Access to safe and affordable pharmaceuticals should be a natural right for all Americans. Yet there are incredible price discrepancies between brand name and generic pharmaceuticals around the globe. On average, Americans pay twice as much for prescription medicine as people in other industrialized countries. Why? Because big pharmaceutical companies engage in underhanded tactics like price fixing and censorship. Pharmaceutical manufacturers have gone to great lengths to protect the high prices of their products in America.

Monday, April 9, 2012

BIG PHARMA...your's why:

Some wrote and said they require a medication in the brand form.
This person states that he was started on the brand name drug
when the drug in question came out. It's an anti-inflammatory
medication that's used for back injuries, fibromyalia, arthritis, etc.
The drugs name: VOLTAREN.
It is non narcotic!

When the generics hit the market, the above person was startled that
they did not give relief and spoke to the pharmacist about it. The
drugist said he was running into this quite often as the brand and
the generics were not the same thing.

The person who needed the meds asked about the brand name.
Cost of the brand name $250 per month.
Cost of generic, the drug insurers co-pay, as much as $50.

Cost in Canada $25 w/o incurance
Cost in India $30 w/o insurance
Cost in Argentina $20 w/o insurance

QUESTION: would Novartis sell Voltaren around the world
for $24, $30 or $20 if it weren't STILL making money on it?

ANSWER? NO!!!!!!!!!!

Conclusion: as for we Americans, Norvartis is ALLOWED to
rip off, us, the suffering public, by a government that is for and
by BIG PHARMA...big pharma is a special interest group.


Big pharma is shortening the lives of baby boomers for their profit.
Another example?

LASIX...don't you folks who need this drug to keep your lungs
from filling with water from congestive heart failure believe
the same. I have taken both and they do not work the same.

If your life depends on Lasix (fortunately, mine does not)
...........find a way to get the BRAND