PARADISE COSTS-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse©

PARADISE COSTS-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder AbuseĀ©
Author: Irene A. Masiello, afterword by Bennett Blum, MD, internationally known forensic & geriatric psychiatrist & co- author of "suicide-by-cop" (Please: click photo of the book above & you will be taken directly to the book's website.) This blog will be making public how corporate greed impacts the lives of 78 million baby boomers many of whom live on fixed incomes. Elder abuse, neglect and exploitation exists in every day exchanges involving utility companies, medical insurers, in big pharma, etc. as corporate greed runs amok. At this blog, baby-boomers will share how corporate greed & unequal protection under the law impacts our lives, health and ability to live out our life expectancy. Its not going to be pretty but its REAL...all too real and, make no mistake about it, it kills. Paradise Costs chronicals the death of Irene's father in a blatant way. Some elder exploitation and abuse is more subtle & we will be exploring the ways that happens from companies who lie, give boomers the run around, confuse them, scam them while hoping seniors will not be able to comprehend what's going on. What's going on? ELDER ABUSE, ELDER EXPLOITATION and scamming all of us out of billions.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Vitamin D lack restricts seniors mobility

People....this is really IMPORTANT...I had vitamin D defciency and I was in pain, my cognitive skills diminished, my driving went down hilll. I was really compromised. Please talk to your doctor about running a vit. D test. Most of us are deficient! Stay healthy, Irene
Irene A. Masiello, author Paradise Costs-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse
Vitamin D lack restricts senior mobility
from Health News
Published: May 30, 2012 at 12:59 AM
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., May 30 (UPI) -- A lack of vitamin D may be put seniors at increased risk of developing mobility limitations and disability, U.S. researchers found.
Lead author Denise Houston of the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and colleagues analyzed vitamin D and the onset of mobility limitation and disability over a six-year period.
They used data from the National Institute on Aging Health, Aging and Body Composition study. Mobility limitation and disability were defined as any difficulty or inability to walk several blocks or climb a flight of stairs.
The study involved 3,075 men and women ages 70-79. Vitamin D levels were measured in the blood at the beginning of the study.
"We observed about a 30 percent increased risk of mobility
limitations for those older adults who had low levels of vitamin D,
and almost a two-fold higher risk of mobility disability,"
Houston said in a statement. Vitamin D plays an important
role in muscle function, so it is plausible that low levels of
 the vitamin could result in the onset of decreased lower
muscle strength and physical performance, Houston said.
People get vitamin D when it is naturally produced in the
skin by sun exposure, by eating foods with vitamin D --
such as fortified milk, juice and cereals -- and by taking
vitamin D supplements, Houston said.
The findings were published in the Journal of Gerontology:
Medical Sciences.

Read more:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baby boomers, seniors, veterans, elder care workers, nurses, doctors, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Queens, NY...Half the vets need disability says AP....this effects the election and it effects seniors as well...we'll need more medical resources not less favoring the election of a humanitarian president not a capitalist president...please think about this:

Baby boomers, seniors, healthcare workers, nurses, doctors, physician's assistants, elder care workers, etc, this is for you. You are on the front lines of the real inside story about the 2012 election.
I am listening to the Sunday morning talk shows and thinking about the election. My brother was a Viet Nam vet with post traumatic stress syndrome before the diagnosis was established.
I am wondering how the Veteran's Administration is going to handle the demand for medical care for the veterans of these last 2 wars that bankrupted this country. The GOP wants to scale back Medicare...will they want to scale back veteran's benefits as well?
Obama wanted to give us healthcare reform but is meeting with resistance. Basically, the resistance is resistance to change. The only thing in life that is steadfast is change. Those people who don't change with the times are doomed.
Please read this article below and understand that these troops served the country in a more enlightened time than the Nam vets did. My brother was emotionally scared beyond belief by what happened in Nam. Our country turned its back on guys like him and his comrades.
So, here we baby boomers stand needing Medicare to be whole, needing healthcare reform, remembering those guys and gals we grew up with who didn't come back from Viet Nam
and now facing the GOP agenda of cutting social programs.
Are we going to let this happen?
Please vote and remember change happens with or without your permission. Be a part of the change you want to see. This is a call to "arms" so to speak to my fellow baby boomers...
please be a part of a not so silent generation for progress and change.
Thank you,
Irene A. Masiello
Author: Paradise Costs-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse
Afterword: Bennett Blum, MD
AP IMPACT: Almost half of new vets seek disability
AP Chief Medical Writer

America's newest veterans are filing for disability benefits at a historic rate, claiming to be the most medically and mentally troubled generation of former troops the nation has ever seen.

A staggering 45 percent of the 1.6 million veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now seeking compensation for injuries they say are service-related. That is more than double the estimate of 21 percent who filed such claims after the Gulf War in the early 1990s, top government officials told The Associated Press.

What's more, these new veterans are claiming eight to nine ailments on average, and the most recent ones over the last year are claiming 11 to 14. By comparison, Vietnam veterans are currently receiving compensation for fewer than four, on average, and those from World War II and Korea, just two.

It's unclear how much worse off these new veterans are than their predecessors. Many factors are driving the dramatic increase in claims — the weak economy, more troops surviving wounds, and more awareness of problems such as concussions and PTSD. Almost one-third have been granted disability so far.

Government officials and some veterans' advocates say that veterans who might have been able to work with certain disabilities may be more inclined to seek benefits now because they lost jobs or can't find any. Aggressive outreach and advocacy efforts also have brought more veterans into the system, which must evaluate each claim to see if it is war-related. Payments range from $127 a month for a 10 percent disability to $2,769 for a full one.

As the nation commemorates the more than 6,400 troops who died in post-9/11 wars, the problems of those who survived also draw attention. These new veterans are seeking a level of help the government did not anticipate, and for which there is no special fund set aside to pay.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is mired in backlogged claims, but "our mission is to take care of whatever the population is," said Allison Hickey, the VA's undersecretary for benefits. "We want them to have what their entitlement is."

The 21 percent who filed claims in previous wars is Hickey's estimate of an average for Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield. The VA has details only on the current disability claims being paid to veterans of each war.

The AP spent three months reviewing records and talking with doctors, government officials and former troops to take stock of the new veterans. They are different in many ways from those who fought before them.

More are from the Reserves and National Guard — 28 percent of those filing disability claims — rather than career military. Reserves and National Guard made up a greater percentage of troops in these wars than they did in previous ones. About 31 percent of Guard/Reserve new veterans have filed claims compared to 56 percent of career military ones.

More of the new veterans are women, accounting for 12 percent of those who have sought care through the VA. Women also served in greater numbers in these wars than in the past. Some female veterans are claiming PTSD due to military sexual trauma — a new challenge from a disability rating standpoint, Hickey said.

The new veterans have different types of injuries than previous veterans did. That's partly because improvised bombs have been the main weapon and because body armor and improved battlefield care allowed many of them to survive wounds that in past wars proved fatal.

"They're being kept alive at unprecedented rates," said Dr. David Cifu, the VA's medical rehabilitation chief. More than 95 percent of troops wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan have survived.
Larry Bailey II is an example. After tripping a rooftop bomb in Afghanistan last June, the 26-year-old Marine remembers flying into the air, then fellow troops attending to him.

"I pretty much knew that my legs were gone. My left hand, from what I remember I still had three fingers on it," although they didn't seem right, Bailey said. "I looked a few times but then they told me to stop looking." Bailey, who is from Zion, Ill., north of Chicago, ended up a triple amputee and expects to get a hand transplant this summer.

He is still transitioning from active duty and is not yet a veteran. Just over half of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans eligible for VA care have used it so far.

Of those who have sought VA care:
—More than 1,600 of them lost a limb; many others lost fingers or toes.
—At least 156 are blind, and thousands of others have impaired vision.
—More than 177,000 have hearing loss, and more than 350,000 report tinnitus — noise or ringing in the ears.
—Thousands are disfigured, as many as 200 of them so badly that they may need face transplants. One-quarter of battlefield injuries requiring evacuation included wounds to the face or jaw, one study found.

"The numbers are pretty staggering," said Dr. Bohdan Pomahac, a surgeon at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston who has done four face transplants on non-military patients and expects to start doing them soon on veterans.

Others have invisible wounds. More than 400,000 of these new veterans have been treated by the VA for a mental health problem, most commonly, PTSD.

Tens of thousands of veterans suffered traumatic brain injury, or TBI — mostly mild concussions from bomb blasts — and doctors don't know what's in store for them long-term. Cifu, of the VA, said that roughly 20 percent of active duty troops suffered concussions, but only one-third of them have symptoms lasting beyond a few months.

That's still a big number, and "it's very rare that someone has just a single concussion," said David Hovda, director of the UCLA Brain Injury Research Center. Suffering multiple concussions, or one soon after another, raises the risk of long-term problems. A brain injury also makes the brain more susceptible to PTSD, he said.

On a more mundane level, many new veterans have back, shoulder and knee problems, aggravated by carrying heavy packs and wearing the body armor that helped keep them alive. One recent study found that 19 percent required orthopedic surgery consultations and 4 percent needed surgery after returning from combat.

All of this adds up to more disability claims, which for years have been coming in faster than the government can handle them. The average wait to get a new one processed grows longer each month and is now about eight months — time that a frustrated, injured veteran might spend with no income.
More than 560,000 veterans from all wars currently have claims that are backlogged — older than 125 days.

The VA's benefits chief, Hickey, gave these reasons:

—Sheer volume. Disability claims from all veterans soared from 888,000 in 2008 to 1.3 million in 2011. Last year's included more than 230,000 new claims from Vietnam veterans and their survivors because of a change in what conditions can be considered related to Agent Orange exposure. Those complex, 50-year-old cases took more than a third of available staff, she said.

—High number of ailments per claim. When a veteran claims 11 to 14 problems, each one requires "due diligence" — a medical evaluation and proof that it is service-related, Hickey said.
—A new mandate to handle the oldest cases first. Because these tend to be the most complex, they have monopolized staff and pushed up average processing time on new claims, she said.
—Outmoded systems. The VA is streamlining and going to electronic records, but for now, "We have 4.4 million case files sitting around 56 regional offices that we have to work with; that slows us down significantly," Hickey said.

Barry Jesinoski, executive director of Disabled American Veterans, called Hickey's efforts "commendable," but said: "The VA has a long way to go" to meet veterans' needs. Even before the surge in Agent Orange cases, VA officials "were already at a place that was unacceptable" on backlogged claims, he said.

He and VA officials agree that the economy is motivating some claims. His group helps veterans file them, and he said that sometimes when veterans come in, "We'll say, 'Is your back worse?' and they'll say, 'No, I just lost my job.'"

Jesinoski does believe these veterans have more mental problems, especially from multiple deployments.

"You just can't keep sending people into war five, six or seven times and expect that they're going to come home just fine," he said.

For taxpayers, the ordeal is just beginning. With any war, the cost of caring for veterans rises for several decades and peaks 30 to 40 years later, when diseases of aging are more common, said Harvard economist Linda Bilmes. She estimates the health care and disability costs of the recent wars at $600 billion to $900 billion.

"This is a huge number and there's no money set aside," she said. "Unless we take steps now into some kind of fund that will grow over time, it's very plausible many people will feel we can't afford these benefits we overpromised."

How would that play to these veterans, who all volunteered and now expect the government to keep its end of the bargain?

"The deal was, if you get wounded, we're going to supply this level of support," Bilmes said. Right now, "there's a lot of sympathy and a lot of people want to help. But memories are short and times change."
VA's Home Page
VA budget, performance:
IOM Coming Home report:
Costs of war:
Veterans quick facts:
War casualty reports:
Brain Injury Center:
Follow Marilynn Marchione's coverage on Twitter at

05/27/2012 13:39 © Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 Tips for Keeping your Aging Parents Safer-updated 5/24/12-the toll of proposed cuts in essential services for seniors

10 Tips for Keeping your Aging Parents Safer

~ A Guest Post by Irene A. Masiello

note: I wrote this in 2008 and it applied then and, of course, it applies now. There is an unfortunate caveat or two. The economy makes targeting seniors more likely and I would like to caution seniors and their adult children to keep a very close eye on corporate America. Items like Terms of Service, contracts, poor customer service, complex rules, etc make doing business in America now in 2012 a very different "animal" than it was prior. I, personally, have experienced a stunning amount of abuse from stores and business like Home Depot, Verizon, etc as they take advantage of everyone in every way to keep their profits up at the expense of their customers. Of course, this will effect seniors more as it becomes more difficult to cognitively process complex information made complex for what may be a reason. The next election has many issues and one that needs looking into now  is whether there will be cuts to social services, education, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. I want to caution everyone that cuts to social services will place seniors at deeper risk. We have about 1/3rd of the baby boomers already experiencing elder abuse, neglect or  exploitation. That's roughly 25 million people in what are old numbers. We need more government oversight not less as corporate America has demonstrated a lack of care and compassion towards every citizen in this country with seniors and kids being the most vulnerable. Thank you, Irene A. Masiello

1. Have Realistic Expectations: America’s health care system is extremely overburdened; we must be proactive in all aspects of healthcare. Assist your parent by keeping a close tab on prescription & over-the-counter medications.

2. Recognize & Adjust for Diminishing Vision, Hearing or Thinking: Any lessening in faculties or infirmities like diabetes or circulatory disorders may impair mood or mental cognition.

3. Hire Health Aides with Caution: Check your state’s requirements regarding criminal background checks, finger printing, random drug-testing, licensing and whether the company providing aides has litigation against it; call the Better Business Bureau. Hiring privately requires additional legwork.

4. Understand Exploitation Is A Crime: If your parent signs any document they can neither explain nor comprehend the consequences of, they may have been exploited. Report it immediately to law enforcement.

5. Keeping A Watchful Eye:
Forensic testing of hair, aide cams, drop-in company, monitoring credit cards and reports, reviewing bank statements by looking for handwriting changes on checks (someone else fills in payee and/or amount) and examining check number sequences are ways some issues can be detected early.

6. Sudden Relationships May be Dangerous: Be weary of anyone who steps over healthy interpersonal boundaries or takes an intense interest in the health, wellness or finances of your parent.

7. Face Multigenerational Family Dynamic Issues: Substance abuse (alcohol or drugs) and dysfunctional families are huge risk factors for the elderly.

8. Be Realistic about Your Parent’s Personality:
Seniors with complicated or difficult dispositions are unlikely to develop coping skills as they age and grow infirm.

9. “Do Not Call” List: Unscrupulous telemarketers solicit at-home seniors. Place your parents’ phone numbers on your state’s “do not call list.”

10. Avoid Caregiver Burnout: Most elder abuse takes place in families. It’s crucial that caregivers take frequent respites to avoid stress and fatigue.

Irene A. Masiello is the author of “Paradise Costs-A Victim’s Daughter Fights Back Against Elder Abuse" Afterword by the author of "suicide by cop" Bennett Blum, MD. This provocative and proactive book contains an actual forensic report to drive home a chilling reality. It offers helpful lists of common elder abuses, exploitative tactics and common characteristics of victims and abusers.
It also contains Dr. Blum's incredibly easy to understand and pioneering work in identifying high risk seniors through his acronyms IDEAL & PARADISE 2. See more at
(c) Copyright, 2012, Irene A. Masiello-all rights reserved. Do not reprint without permission. Thank you

Thursday, May 10, 2012

writing a unpositive, but write an absolutely true review for Home Depots service and products never make it to the review area on the can't do it as they reject the truth and say the truth is unacceptable...they routinely false advertise, their poducts are not pictures and the service is terrible...boomers, avoid the Depot especially online where the specials they tell you about are not specials but are available in stores at the exact same price

writing a non-positive, but write an absolutely true review for Home Depots service and products never make it to the review area on the can't do it as they reject the truth and say the truth is unacceptable...they routinely false advertise, their poducts are not pictured and the service is terrible...boomers, avoid the Depot especially online where the specials they tell you about are not specials but are available in stores at the exact same price

here's the reply from HOME DEPOT...the reviews are read and HOME DEPOT decides which ones  the public sees.... the ones who cast the Depot in the best light and have nothing to do with reality of the way stores deceives the public.

This will be in small claims court, I promise you and I will use my writing presence on the web to make sure it happens.

BUYER BEWARE.....just another large corporation ripping off the public in the new American mantra...deceive the public, become a fat cat and then don't allow the truth to be heard.

GREED is the mantra of BIG BUSINESS and whether you know it or not there are tons of people
who have nightmarish experiences with companies like Home Depot.

More to come about floor tile that was in the store with the same name as online but the tile in the store was puke green and black instead of light with scattered blue and green. The item is completely different than the one available in the stores. DO NOT BELIEVE a single online special only. It's bunk and a waste of your time and hard work.

Rank Home Depot with Goldman Sacks, Bank of America, Verizon and other greedy companies who exploit we Americans as they place profit before people.

More to follow, see the posts below about how we baby boomers are exploited by companies mentioned above. This is called elder abuse and exploitation and its a well defined social phenomena based on corporate greed.

There will be more posted in detail shortly.

Here's the Home Depot's response to my review which was NOT ACEPTABLE because I told readers about false advertising at the Home Depot, online specials that are NOT online specials but can be purchased in the store at the same price, mistakes made marking tiles online and then mismarking tiles in the store...and like any giant corporation more diligently interested in PROFITS over customers, my review is rejected because I did not perpetuate something that is falsely advertised:

The Home Depot1
Thank you for your product review submission.
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Home Depot
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Seniors: beware the Home Depot

As I go through life, I wonder if complex situations demonstrating issues in various places are brought to me simply because I have a skill set and / or a divine mission and an ability to put my hands to the keyboard. And I feel a responsibility to other seniors to make them aware. If I enlighten one person and give words to their life, issues, hassles and that helps them, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

I was born with writing talent...didn't learn it in school. My junior high teachers told my parents I had a gift, God bless them. I loved them all so. Now, as I age, I know that God gives us gifts and our gift back to God is to use our gifts in order to serve those whose voices may be silent simply because they can't write, don't know how to blog, have no one to speak for them........

The latest issue is the Home Depot on Long Island. They are advertising ONLINE SPECIALS...don't you believe it. Go to the store and take a look like I did. I found the same prices online and the same prices in the store. Don't let the Home Depot make you crazy with this. I will be reporting this to the Consumer Affairs division of local gov't.

More to follow....