With the election approaching many seniors are afraid Medicare won't be there for them. Medicare was resisted years ago when it was first introduced. Today, the affordable care act is resisted.
Too many in the country are resistant to the change...a Black president. President Obama has been called everything one can think of. Never in my life have I seen a president so disrespected. Over the past 4 years, Mr. Obama has been called many ugly things as well as a liar in public by Joe Wilson of SC.
If you know anything about me, as the author of Paradise Costs, you know my story unfolded in South Carolina. My father was white, elderly, disabled...it didn't matter in South Carolina. It's the most hate filled place I have ever been and it is symbolic of the hate, fear, racism and ignorance that plague our country.....it's very dangerous because when one of us, no matter what the color of our skin, is in danger from hate, ignorance and racism, then every single one of us are.
So, we need change, BIG CHANGE but big change doesn't happen unless the small changes are made incrementally from within each of us. Don't fear it, embrace it. Think back to those who rejected Medicare when it came along and how fearful they were about whether health care would challenge their liberties. Sounds silly now, right. Hindsight is 20/20 however we all know something has to be done about the spiraling costs of medical care.
The Only Constant in Life is Change!
Irene A. Masiello
CHANGE. It's a scary word! Take a look around and see how much people are freighted by it. Many have the past ingrained so deeply that anything that is new is immediately a threat.
Witness the healthcare debate. Many don’t want to government running healthcare and yet it’s been doing a pretty good job in Medicare. However, change anything and the country is freaking out.
There is only one constant in the world: CHANGE!
If you want to be a better person, a better parent, employee, friend, spouse…there are some simple changes that can improve yours and everyone else’s way of life.
1: Be happy
It’s not about money, looks or professional success. Being genuinely grateful for what you have and looking forward to the dawn of each day can make you feel a kind of deep happiness that is contagious. Think back to your childhood….doesn’t that yield some wonderful simple moments
that make you feel warm?
2: Be honest
Honesty is a way of life. It means you don't steal, you don't cheat on your taxes and you are faithful to your spouse. Here's a quick test to determine your level of honesty: You give a cashier $10 for a magazine, candy and soft drink. The tab comes to $8.15. Instead of giving you $1.85 in change, she gives you $10.85. That is, instead of a $1 bill, you get a $10 bill. You notice it immediately. What do you do?
3. Be respectful of others
When you treat others as you would like to be treated, you are showing the ultimate kind of respect.
4. Be easygoing and fun
As the old saying goes, "Live, laugh, love." Slow down from life's frantic pace and have fun--whether it's an unscheduled day playing hooky from your responsibilities or just a few minutes respite from the grind.
5. Be confident
Once you accept there is always someone out there who is better than you, you can realize your own abilities. Be confident in what you can--and cannot--do.
6. Be emotionally open
Be open and honest with those you love. Express your opinions and listen to theirs without criticizing.
7. Be disciplined
No one is watching over your shoulder when you slack off--except you. Self-discipline means you have a finely tuned sense of ethics, of what is right and what is wrong, and you act accordingly. You are strong enough to say no to life's many temptations, from food to drugs to illicit sex.
8. Take pride in yourself
While too much pride can be seen as sinful, we all need to feel some pride in who we are, where we live and what we do. That kind of pride helps define who you are in your world.
9. Be compassionate
Being empathic to the needs of others and doing good deeds to ease others' suffering is one of the most basic acts of kindness and goodness we accomplish as human beings.
10. Have a sense of humor
You have to be able to laugh, especially at yourself. There is humor in almost every situation. You just have to find it. And laughing is almost always better than crying.
(c) Copyright 2007-August 2012 Irene A. Masiello, all rights reserved, please do not reprint without permission from the author. Thanks
This article orginally appeared in NYC's HealthWise Magazine in my column called SPIRITWISE in 2007