PARADISE COSTS-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse©

PARADISE COSTS-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder AbuseĀ©
Author: Irene A. Masiello, afterword by Bennett Blum, MD, internationally known forensic & geriatric psychiatrist & co- author of "suicide-by-cop" (Please: click photo of the book above & you will be taken directly to the book's website.) This blog will be making public how corporate greed impacts the lives of 78 million baby boomers many of whom live on fixed incomes. Elder abuse, neglect and exploitation exists in every day exchanges involving utility companies, medical insurers, in big pharma, etc. as corporate greed runs amok. At this blog, baby-boomers will share how corporate greed & unequal protection under the law impacts our lives, health and ability to live out our life expectancy. Its not going to be pretty but its REAL...all too real and, make no mistake about it, it kills. Paradise Costs chronicals the death of Irene's father in a blatant way. Some elder exploitation and abuse is more subtle & we will be exploring the ways that happens from companies who lie, give boomers the run around, confuse them, scam them while hoping seniors will not be able to comprehend what's going on. What's going on? ELDER ABUSE, ELDER EXPLOITATION and scamming all of us out of billions.

Friday, June 29, 2012

health care reform - preparing for the changes brought about by the new law

Okay, why should I shut up at this late date? I've worked in doctor's offices from 1985-1990 and our healthcare system did not work then, it doesn't work now and so...if we keep doing what we've always done, we are always going to get what we have gotten.

Change is difficult for many people must change and if Americans want to call it socialized medicine, call it whatever you want.

You want democracy? Well, democracy doesn't work for everyone because of the underlying financial system... capitalism. Any system based on greed does not belong running any social service agency. Greed the likes of which we have in American today, is a deadly sin and people die by the millions because of it.

Woe to anyone who talks about change...I will accept socialized medicine if it means seniors, the poor and kids can get the care they need.

Associate Press reports that primary care doctors are a big winner in the new laws and since they provide the lion's share of healthcare, lets recognize that this may mean better care because doctors are adequately compensated for the time that's needed to bring back a more established form of doctor-patient relationship.

Baby boomers, remember when physicians were like members of the family? That's when they were less pressured by the high cost of practing medicine in America. The truth is every facet of our lives is now pressured by the corruption in politics, business, banking, etc.

Baby boomers, you have the future of the country in your hands because you are the single most largest population in America. It's time to think about the future...seems to me the Republicans didn't worry about the financial future of our country until they lost the White House. They dug us into 2 unfunded wars and brought about the collapse of the banking industry. They want less regulation.
I want more. At this stage, I trust big government more than I trust big business.

It's so interesting how the GOP wants less oversight yet they want to peer into the uterus of pregnant women with their smaller government. I get it. Rich people want poor people to always provide los cost labor and therefore the rich become very interested in the next generation of poverty level births,
the want more interest in developmental deprived youth as ignorance yields compliant people.

Baby boomers, we were the rebels, we marched for Civil Rights, we marched to end the war in Viet Nam...we are a proactive generation. Please get all the information you can about the Affordable Care act and become a resource for yourself and others.


Start planning now for the new health care legislation

From the Chicago Tribune

Now that the Affordable Care Act has been given a green light by the Supreme Court, when will you have to pay for so-called Obamacare?

For high-income taxpayers, you will start feeling it in 2013, when you begin paying a higher Medicare tax to help cover some of the costs.

For people who would rather not buy health insurance, 2014 is when you must start making the purchase. No one will show up in 2014 and say, "Buy now or else." But you will feel the "or else" when you work on your 2014 tax return sometime in early 2015.

"The government can't force you to buy insurance, but it can tax you for not buying it," said John Roth, senior tax analyst with CCH Group.

As you do your 2014 taxes you are likely to see, for the first time, a line on your tax return asking for proof that you have obeyed the government's mandate and purchased health insurance. The details are yet to be worked out by the IRS; they were pending the Supreme Court's decision. But Roth said you will probably be prompted by a line on your 2014 tax return to identify the insurance policy you've purchased with an account number, or perhaps you will need to attach a copy.

If you fail to do so, the government has the right to penalize you. But under the Affordable Care Act, the IRS doesn't have the muscle it has if a person fails to pay student loans or child support, Roth said. The IRS doesn't have the right to put a lien on your house. But it still does have some power.

If you complete your tax return and are due a refund, Roth notes that the IRS can confiscate some of the refund as the penalty for not buying health insurance. If you are due some type of credit such as the earned income tax credit, Roth figures the government can dip into that. For single people, penalties start at $95 or 1 percent of income, depending on which is highest. By 2016, it rises to $695 and can be higher based on family size and income.

The rationale is to urge people to get health insurance, so they don't inflict uncovered costs on the system when accidents or emergencies occur and they end up in hospitals. In addition, to keep insurance costs from rising sharply for riskier and sicker patients, health policy analysts claim healthy young people must buy insurance to subsidize those who are less healthy.

Also, to help pay for costs associated with health care changes, high-income people are going to be required to pay higher taxes. Next year, singles with incomes over $200,000 and couples with incomes over $250,000 will have to pay an extra 0.9 percent on earned income and a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on investment gains.

People with incomes over $200,000 will see the extra income tax removed from paychecks. Some will owe more at tax time because employers don't know when an employee is in a two-income family earning more than the $250,000 threshold.

The 3.8 percent tax on investment income applies to interest, dividends, capital gains, rental income and annuity income. In addition, starting in 2013, the current 15 percent tax on long-term capital gains is set to go up to 20 percent.

In the case of a married couple with a joint income of $225,000 and $25,000 in capital gains, there would be no extra 3.8 percent tax. But if they had $35,000 in capital gains, their $260,000 in income would meet the threshold and $10,000 would be subject to the extra tax, said Tim Steffen, Robert W. Baird & Co.'s director of financial planning..

With the Supreme Court decision lending more certainty to the beginning of the tax, Steffen said financial advisers will start working with clients on ways to take gains in 2012 rather than 2013, when they will be taxed more heavily.

For example, small business owners thinking of selling a business next year might be better off selling in 2012, Steffen said. People planning for higher taxes might sell stock or real estate and exercise stock options earlier than planned.

"Still, people should avoid doing crazy things to avoid the tax," Steffen added. Business and investment decisions should come before tax decisions.

Apart from investments, individuals should also be thinking now about timing costly medical care where there's leeway — perhaps moving Lasik surgery or eyeglass purchases from 2013 to 2012. Starting in 2013, medical costs must total 10 percent of your adjusted gross income to be deducted, and it's difficult to amass costs that high in a single year. In 2012, the threshold is lower — 7.5 percent. So clustering them this year might give you a shot at a deduction you won't be able to meet in the future.

Medicare patients & their doctors get a win in the upholding of the Affordable Care Act upheld by the Supreme Court yesterday

finally some good news for seniors and their doctors. Medicare patients and their physicians
will get better reimbursement for healthcare....good news for seniors, finally!
Please do NOT believe the death panels stuff. Please do not believe the hate-filled rhetoric.
Give change a chance.
Winners and losers in high court health law ruling
Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — By a single vote, President Barack Obama's health care overhaul survived a painstaking Supreme Court review that consumed thousands of pages in legal filings and an extraordinary six hours-plus of oral argument time back in March.
In the end, the court upheld the law, with a minor change, and dashed Republican hopes of bringing down what conservatives deride as "Obamacare" on constitutional grounds. The outcome surprised many who thought tough questions from the conservative justices during the arguments foreshadowed the demise of the far-reaching legislation.

The decision leaves a trail of winners and losers, from Main Street, USA, to the very steps of the Supreme Court. For some, it's a mixed bag. Here's a look:

Casey Quinlan, a 59-year-old breast cancer survivor who lives near Richmond, Va., and millions of other uninsured people. Starting in October 2013, the uninsured will be able to sign up for taxpayer subsidized coverage either through private insurance plans or the Medicaid health care program. Coverage commences on Jan. 1, 2014. The law eventually is expected to provide health insurance to about 30 million of the estimated 50 million uninsured Americans. Insurers will not be able to turn away people with a history or medical problems, or charge them more. "What's at stake is whether or not the insurance market will be encouraged to recognize our presence and create products that are affordable for people with pre-existing conditions," Quinlan said.

Hospitals. Their stock zoomed Thursday after the Supreme Court ruling
guaranteed them millions more paying customers. Some analysts expect the law to reduce uncompensated care losses borne by hospitals by about half. Currently about one-fourth of the care provided by hospitals is never paid for, either because debts can't be collected or the patient is uninsured. Stocks of big laboratories also rose. But insurance companies had a see-saw day, down sharply at first but recovering some lost ground. They'll get millions of new customers also, but they face new federal regulation and taxes they fear will drive up costs.

Family practice doctors. The law provides a pay boost for those treating Medicare patients, and takes other steps that could make general practitioners the new gatekeepers of a more efficient health care system.

Democrats. President Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi devoted a vast amount of his first term to passing a health care law that has divided the nation. Democrats lost the House in the 2010 midterm elections partly on public displeasure with Medicare cuts embedded in the health care overhaul. By winning at the court, Obama and his party preserve historic legislation that liberals have been pining for over more than 50 years.

Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. Obama's top Supreme Court lawyer was maligned for his performance in both the health care and Arizona immigration cases. His argument in defense of the insurance requirement got off to a bad start when Verrilli appeared to choke on his words and had to take a drink of water. Turns out, he largely prevailed in both cases, in which he also was in charge of producing the administration's written legal briefs. That's perhaps just the latest indication one shouldn't hang too much on oral arguments.

Chief Justice John Roberts — The darling of conservatives, Roberts finds himself in the unusual position of being praised by the left and criticized by the right following the health care ruling, and to a lesser extent, the Arizona immigration case in which he also sided with the court's liberals. On one level, these demonstrations of a willingness to break with conservatives could burnish Roberts' reputation as the neutral umpire he told his confirmation hearings he sought to be. On the other hand, the conservative Roberts may be very much in evidence when the court takes up affirmative action in the fall.

The National Federation of Independent Business. The powerhouse small business lobbying group played a pivotal role in derailing former President Bill Clinton's health care bill and was lead plaintiff in the case against Obama's overhaul. NFIB President Dan Danner said Thursday the group will continue to push for repeal, but odds of completely overturning the law seem slimmer now. The law imposes fines on employers that do not offer coverage, but companies with fewer than 50 workers are exempt, and that means most small businesses will not have to worry about the mandate. Moreover, most companies with 50 or more employees already provide coverage. Nonetheless, business groups generally see the health care law as an encroachment.

Republicans. From presidential candidate Mitt Romney, to congressional leaders like House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., it will get harder for Republicans to argue that the law should be wiped from the books. However, Republicans could regain the upper hand by targeting unpopular provisions for repeal, like tax increases on industry, cost controls and cuts to service providers.

States that didn't prepare. About half the states now find themselves in the position of the little piggy that built his house out of straw. Many Republican-led states held back on carrying out the law's plan to set up new insurance markets, confident the Supreme Court would toss out the whole thing. They're now in the position of watching Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' federal bureaucrats come in and run the markets for them. Sebelius says she wants to play nice and will partner with any interested states. But you can bet it will be on her terms.

Justice Antonin Scalia. He sat glumly and silently as other justices read their takes on the health care law. Scalia was more vocal than any justice in his distaste for the law when the court heard arguments in March.
Associated Press writers Sam Hananel and Daniel Wagner contributed to this report.

06/29/2012 3:41 © Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved.