Readers will find the information below on the Paradise Costs website… Sadly, as tragic as those numbers are they are no longer factual. My book debuted in 2007. Do you think the economy has increased the likelihood of elder abuse and exploitation numbers decreasing? Unfortunately, the answer is NO. America is a country that lives in denial...entertainment is our escape and more than ever people attend movies and watch TV so they don't have to face the harshness of a world where money is the root of all evil. When it comes time to senior citizens, they have become more vulnerable as time goes on because of the shortage of jobs and the mortgage crisis leaving us to conclude that elderly victims have increased. Corporate America's hands are not clean. How are you doing understanding the Terms of Service on credit cards, websites, bank accounts, cell phones, fine print, etc? Imagine what it is like for seniors. I personally am a victim in dealing with a multi-billion dollar corporation that lies, scams, complicates things, obscures facts and more. When I mentioned the company's name several 4 of my friends reacted immediately and told me that they had incurred the same type of treatment I had experienced. Please, babyboomers, send us your stories ...lets do what we did during the Viet Nam era. Let's do what we did to rally for Civil Rights…. lets protest from the comfort of our homes and be heard. Since we can’t be on the streets on a picket line and sleeping out with Occupy Wall Street, let’s get creative. KNOW THIS....we will elect the next president...our voting block is the largest one in our country. Let’s stand together and be heard...again. The details will follow about American companies that exploit, demean, lie, scam, etc. Pass the word...get the word out, write us at: and tell us about companies who are exploiting you. Let them answer to 78 million boomers! Here are stale stats...but we will work on getting the current's America's UGLY SECRET and no one wants you to, ssshhh, lets tell everybody and BE HEARD! This is a cyber picket line! STAGGERING STATISTICS: | |||||||||||||||
ELDER ABUSE, NEGLECT AND EXPLOITATION: an American pandemic | |||||||||||||||
FACING THE FACTS: The American Psychological Association estimates that each and every year, over 2.1 million older Americans are victims of physical, psychological, or other forms of neglect and abuse. The National Center on Elder Abuse estimates there may be as many as 5 million victims of financial exploitation a year in the U.S. It's also estimated that actual numbers of victims may be 5 times as many. The Center acknowledges that no one knows the true number of victims because there is no comprehensive data collection nationwide, and many seniors suffer in silence. Millions may hide their embarrassment or remain in denial while countless others don't have the competency to comprehend that they are being abused, neglect or exploited. The National Committee to Prevent Elder Abuse (NCPEA) estimates that $20 million per day is pilfered from the elderly in California alone. National Institute of Health estimates that 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease now. The Alzheimer's Association estimates that 1 in 10 individuals over 65 and nearly half of those over 85 already have Alzheimer's. It's estimated that within the next 25 years the number of sufferers will triple. The Alzheimer's Association states the number of Americans with Alzheimer's has more than doubled since 1980; it will continue to grow, and by 2050 the number of victims with Alzheimer's could range from 11.3 million to 16 million. Increasing age is the greatest risk factor for Alzheimer's. Every 72 seconds someone develops Alzheimer's; the related costs of Alzheimer's and other types of dementia exceed more than $148 billion annually....and it's rising! It will continueto rise, too! The Alzheimer’s Association reiterates that Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of the aging process. It is a devastating disorder of the brain’s nerve cells that impairs memory, thinking and behavior. Therefore, victims of this ailment will be the most vulnerable among us. Learn more about elder abuse in the American Psychological Association’s Public Interest Directorate on what constitutes elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. Please contact your US Senator and Congress member and request that he or she support the ELDER JUSTICE ACT now on the floor of both Houses. Elder abuse is everyone’s business. Why? Corporate greed and the exploitability of senior citizens as they decline psychologically and cognitively is America’s dirty secret…hey, Dirty Harry, come help us? | |||||||||||||||
keeping baby boomers healthier & happier safer & reporting big businesses indulging in senior citizen unfriendly business practices, elder abuse & elder exploitation-we must hang together or we will certainly hang seperately!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Elder Abuse, elder neglect and elder exploition are crimes with 78 million potential victims...our baby boomers
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