PARADISE COSTS-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder Abuse©

PARADISE COSTS-A Victim's Daughter Fights Back against Elder AbuseĀ©
Author: Irene A. Masiello, afterword by Bennett Blum, MD, internationally known forensic & geriatric psychiatrist & co- author of "suicide-by-cop" (Please: click photo of the book above & you will be taken directly to the book's website.) This blog will be making public how corporate greed impacts the lives of 78 million baby boomers many of whom live on fixed incomes. Elder abuse, neglect and exploitation exists in every day exchanges involving utility companies, medical insurers, in big pharma, etc. as corporate greed runs amok. At this blog, baby-boomers will share how corporate greed & unequal protection under the law impacts our lives, health and ability to live out our life expectancy. Its not going to be pretty but its REAL...all too real and, make no mistake about it, it kills. Paradise Costs chronicals the death of Irene's father in a blatant way. Some elder exploitation and abuse is more subtle & we will be exploring the ways that happens from companies who lie, give boomers the run around, confuse them, scam them while hoping seniors will not be able to comprehend what's going on. What's going on? ELDER ABUSE, ELDER EXPLOITATION and scamming all of us out of billions.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Age and guile outsmarts youth and skill....maybe and lets hope so!

Personally, I am not happy that, because government agencies, watch dog groups, AARP, etc are not more aggressive in naming those who exploit the diminishing capacity of seniors to adapt to what you whipper-snappers can't make heads or tales of. I hear all kinds of complaints that things are so complicated with all the fine print, early termination fees, corporations who have their customer reps tell customers different stories on the very same customer issue.

Think about this...aren't you stymied by fine print? Aren't you confused when one customer service rep says one thing and then another says another thing which leaves you holding the bag and losing money you need to maintain a reasonable standard of living?

It's frustrating, exasperating and very, very often so upsetting that a senior citizen will give up and just pay the money the company claims they are owed simply because stress affects their physical health and emotional well-being health because the senior may lack an advocate to help them. And from what I learned in writing Paradise Costs, often times, asking for help, sets up a scenario where the person helping may exploit the person who
requires assistance.

So, that's one of the things we will be doing here at Boomer Watchdog....we will be keeping an eye abusive corporations. Please do likewise! Baby-boomers, take notes each time you deal with a company that you feel is scamming you. Write down the names of the customer service rep and dates and times you spoke to them and tell us about it.

Years ago, we would have had our picket signs and been in the streets rallying for fairness, equality, Civil Rights and an end to Viet Nam. Today, the Internet affords us that opportunity from the comfort of our homes where we can be arm chair advocates.

Very shortly, we will be spelling out the stories of a growing number of seniors who are having difficulties with a corporate giant. We'll give you names, dates, times of a sequence of lies that were told then taken back and a new set of lies were told. I am going to speak with an attorney first to make sure that I can call it the way I see it.

If you have any additional stories about abusive, exploitive corporations, please e-mail us at

Frankly, I was amazed to see who among my friends had issues with the very same company I will be advising you about.

Remember, we support Occupy Wall Street...we seniors are Boomers Occupying Our Main Street where we shop, live, do business and we see first hand the shocking impact of corporate greed in our towns and cities with bored up stores, having to travel further for the things we need, etc.

Occupy Wall Street, our kindred spirits, we are going to stand behind you with personal tales of woe, greed, exploitation, abuse and we're dubbing ourselves BOOMS (Boomers Occupying Our Main Street) as we are first hand witnesses and we are victims of some of the largest corporations in the world.

BOOMS...get ready to fight back and Verizon is number one since 6 people told me in less than 24 hours how they have been ripped off....I am one of them and I got the dates, the times, the names.

Lets get ready to rumble..."welcome to Verizon" is going to take on new meaning when we are done. In fact, here in NYC, I put up an ad on CraigsList and a TV station contacted me almost immediately wanting the details. I am choosing Freedom of Speech but first a pro bono attorney who helped edit my book, Paradise Costs, will look over the details and then, let the games begin!

BOOM but, remember, we will NEVER, NEVER advocate for violence, destruction of property, harming anyone....we're hoping to make others aware and perhaps hurt corporate America back right where it hurts them their pockets in hidden bank accounts in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, etc. just the way they hurt and some times kill seniors, those who are disabled, those who are poor, etc. because of GREED! What goes around comes around.

"Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, GREED and love of power. " P. J. O'Rourke

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